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Sonya's Reflections on 2022 - Eco By Sonya Australia

Sonya's Reflections on 2022


Wow what a tricky yet terrific year it was. This was a year that I really challenged myself and my thinking. But one thing remained that would get me through, and that was to take moments of prayer (because I believe there's power in that), and gratitude. Sounds soft and wimpy, but I promise it's not. 

Our Miracle Made Foundation really was the stellar moment for me. After the devastating floods in Northern NSW, myself and my team spent days driving around in Lismore and Ballina, helping, and feeding whoever we could. Until we came across a mum and 2 kids whose house had been completely destroyed. With your help we raised $50k in just a few days from selling Glory Oil. I could give 50 people $1000, or completely change one family's life. I chose the latter. 

Finding Pearl (name changed) This one is hard for me to talk about. I found an elderly lady on the highway and took her home. To discover she was living in the most extreme poverty. No toilet. No shower. No hot water. No food. We completely transformed her life. Yesterday she held my hands and said to me “thank you for taking care of me” it was the sincerest thing anyone has ever said to me. I felt it. I won’t go into too much detail it’s tragic and beautiful all at once. Every day one of us turn up to brighten her life. I yell through the window “Pearl, it’s bossy Sonya… I hear to entertain you!” She laughs. Sharpest mind and memory I have ever witnessed.

​Declan's skin journey was 4 months of absolute determination and dedication with his incredible tiger mum Teesha. Every day we worked on his skin, and the results are one of the proudest moments of my life. When this young man came out of his room and wanted to keep living. ​

​Our palliative care boxes are making their way to many hospitals and even people dying in their homes. Rob's Box came about from me and my friend Emma befriending a homeless man and his dog and staying with him while he passed over. We made sure the last days spent on this earth were comfortable. We transformed his room in palliative care into heaven on earth. On that note, we need more death doulas! 

​India Hicks, humanitarian, mother of 5, go-getter came to visit me in my home, and that was one of the highlights on a deep, soul level. And she restored my weariness. 

​Our serums sold out shortly after launch, as predicted. And the results we're seeing are amazing. 

​On a personal note, I got to visit my daughter who lives in London for two weeks and ticked it off my bucket list to make it to Positano in Italy where I took on an alter ego named Sophia. And I changed Gary's name to Tony (Tony, if you're out there, come back)

​And I had the absolute honour and privilege to witness a country in mourning as I was in London when her majesty the Queen Elizabeth passed. 

Even the dogs were mourning. It was supernatural and you could feel the grief. 

​I'm sure there are many more moments I'm forgetting, but you've got shit to do and a fabulous life to live. Happy New Year.​

​p.s don't surround yourself with selfish a$$h0les or bucket tippers. 

That’s the best WELLNESS tip ever.

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